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✿T ā Y H U ì W é N ,
I am chosen of GOD, holy, and dearly loved. I have been bought with a price. I am not my own. I belong to GOD. -Col. 3:12; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20


the one on the RIGHT! ^^
sweeeeeeeet 16!
birthday's on 17 August
spiritual birthday's on 20 September (;
Holy Innocents Primary School
Holy Innocents High School(Y)
CLASS 4LOVE 2012! (L)
MSN | Facebook

a verse a day keeps the devil away!





Monday, January 306:53 PM


Thursday, January 265:39 PM
God, I would like to ask You one question.

God, are You sure i can take it?


History of my school. (i think it's cool)
Sunday, November 283:37 PM
1892: Our school was one of the first Chinese Mission Schools to be founded and was named Tao Nan school. Bible studies and classical Chinese were taught.

1920: Rev Fr Becheras was the Supervisor of our school. The name of our school was changed from Tao Nan to Holy Innocents' Boy's school. It means pure, wholesome and innocent.

1942: During Japanese Occupation, our school was called Syonan School.

1957: Rev Fr Shih was appointed principal

1958: Secondary classes were started and the name of our school was modified to Holy Innocent's High School and declared it open on 5 January.

1965: Started our first Pre-University classes. (Science stream)

1969: Rev Fr Shih was transferred to Taiwan and Rev Fr Peter Lu was appointed principal.

1983: On 9th September, the Pairliamentary Secretary MOE, Mr Ho Kah Leong, officiated the opening of the Auditorium and 4 special classrooms. Rev Fr Peter retired at the end of the year.

1984: The Vice-Principal, Mr Lee Tho Nee, was appointed Principal.

1985: On 25th March, our primary school section moved to a new premises at Lorong Low Koon and was named Holy Innocents' Primary School.

1987: Our Chairman of the School Management Board, Rev Fr Mathias expanded the school and approval was given with an 80% capital grant. The total built-in area was 9000sq m.

1996: Mrs Mary Bay, the Vice-Principal, was appointed Principal in July.

2001: Mrs Pauline Wong was appointed the Principal in December.

2006: The new school building was officially opened and blessed by His grace, Archbishop Nicholas Chia on 2 June 2006.

2007: Ms Soh Lai Leng was appointed Principal in December.

2008: Our school celebrated our 50th anniversary with a musical entitled "I Want To Be A Star!" in June during December.

The Word of God.
Monday, September 1310:56 PM
When you feel that you have no strength anymore:
The LORD says: your strength will equal your days. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might, He increases strength. (Deuteronomy 33: 25 & Isaiah 40: 29)

When you feel that the pressure is overwhelming:
The LORD says: come to Me all to you who are weary and burdened, and I'll give you rest.
(Matthew 11: 28)

When your anger is fuming:
The LORD says: do not let the sun go down while you're still angry. The wise will not be easily
angered. (Ephesians 4: 26)

When you feel injustice:
The LORD says: do not take revenge, but leave the room for God's wrath, for it is written: ''It's mine
to avenge; I will repay.'' (Romans 4: 19)

When you feel like giving up:
The LORD says: My grace is sufficient for you! (2 Corinthians 12: 9)

When you want to gossip:
The LORD says: blessed are the peace maker! (Matthew 5: 9)

When you are indifference towards others:
The LORD says: you are to be zealous, to love others like yourself. (Titus 2: 14)

When you say, ''I am afriad.''
The LORD says: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and
of self-discipline. The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? NOBODY! :P (2 Timothy 1:7 & Psalm 27:1)

message from Choo Thomas.
Wednesday, August 113:49 PM
A message from Choo Thomas:

Heaven is So Real is our Lord's end time book. He only used my body to write this book. He wants all believers and unbelievers to read it and prepare for His coming. He said, He is giving people a last chance to know what it takes to enter His Kingdom throught his book.

The Lord wants me to send it to many pastors whoever the Holy Spirit leads me to. He also said that any pastor who reads this book, must share it with their congregations. He wants all the church body to see His face when we get to heaven.

The Lord Himself took me to heaven 17 different times, in my transformed spirit body, at an age of 15 to 16 years old and showed me countless things in heaven that He has prepared for His people, and showed me hell twice. He also showed me things during the times of the tribulation, after He took His people to heaven.

After the end of all these visions, He showed me the rapturing. The preface clearly explains how the Lord took me to heaven. When you read this book you will see how the Lord took care of this book from the beginning to end of publishing.

I know how hard it is to enter His kingdom. Pastors, please read each and every page of this book very seriously and believe everything in this book, as it is written, and as you prepare for the Lord's soon coming. And also promote this book for our Lord's glory. He spent countless hours with me for this book. Remember, none of our salvations are secure until the end. We must do our best while we have the chance.

In His Love,
Choo Thomas

hold on.
Tuesday, August 310:55 PM
do you wonder why you have to feel the things that hurt you?
if there’s a God who loves you, where is He now?
maybe there are things you can’t see, and all those things are happening,
to bring a better ending. Someday, somehow you’ll see.
would you dare to believe? That you still have a reason to sing.
cause the pain that you’ve been feeling, it can’t compare to the joy that’s coming
so hold on you gotta wait for the light, press on and just fight the good fight
cause the pain that you’ve been feeling, it’s just the dark before the morning...
so say a prayer, and hold on cause there’s good for those who love God.
life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time but you’ll see the bigger picture.
once you feel the weight of glory, all your pain will fade to memory..
So hold on, It’s just the hurt before the healing. (:
